Ignite Your Life

What is the six-week ignite your life program?

In this six-week intensive program, we will work through the limiting beliefs while I act as a life coach. We will also address body pain and the lack of energy that is preventing you from living the life you desire and deserve.

What you can expect?

This six-week program is custom designed especially for YOU.

Using a combination of life coaching and energy healing, my goal is to help you move through the challenges, limiting thoughts and physical issues that are keeping you from living the life you desire and to thrive! To make this even better, this is done in the comfort of your own home.

The six-week program

Week 1

We will spend the first hour learning about your history, dreams, fears and any medical concerns or limitations. We will establish and agree on what goals you’d like to achieve by the end of six weeks. You will have homework to do every week. The second hour is all about relaxation as you enjoy the gentle healing of Reiki. I will balance your chakras and energetically work on your areas of physical discomfort. Each evening of the first week, I will send you Reiki from a distance to continue the healing benefits.

Week 2

Our first hour together, I operate as a life coach and go over what may have changed for you over the past week. What has improved. What needs further attention. New challenges may have surfaced while some challenges are no longer an issue. We will review your homework and look at how things have changed and what needs further work. In the second hour, you get to relax while I run your Access Consciousness Bars to help release limiting thoughts and feelings and help you move closer to your goals.

Week 3-5

Over these weeks, many things will shift both mentally and physically, bringing you ever closer to your goals. These weeks follow the same format as the first two weeks where I continue to act as your life coach and healer. The nature of the healing portion of the second hour will be determined by what is most needed at the time.

Week 6

This is it! You’ve put in the work. It’s time to thrive! There should be some significant improvements in your body, mind, and life. This final session is all about putting the finishing touches on the work we’ve done in the last 5 weeks.

Do you have questions about the program?

Please, send me a message.

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